A periodic Q & A session with a Lewis Thomason (LT) lawyer
Lewis Thomason: What is your favorite thing to do in Memphis?
Claire Cissell: Walking with friends on the Shelby Farms Greenline.
Lewis Thomason: Describe your most memorable moment in a deposition or trial.
Claire Cissell: Hearing jurors yelling and slamming doors on the second day of deliberations.
Lewis Thomason: What do you enjoy most about being a lawyer?
Claire Cissell: I love working with my clients to help them understand and cope with the litigation process.
Lewis Thomason: What is your favorite family vacation?
Claire Cissell: Our cabin on Lake Norfork in Mountain Home, Arkansas.
Lewis Thomason: If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?
Claire Cissell: A day on the lake with my family.
Lewis Thomason: What is the best way to stay motivated and complete goals?
Claire Cissell: Keeping a daily “to do” list.
Lewis Thomason: How have your goals changed over time?
Claire Cissell: Work-life balance is more important at this stage of my life.
Lewis Thomason: What is your favorite game or sport to watch and play?
Claire Cissell: Volleyball, especially when my daughter is playing.
Lewis Thomason: How many pairs of shoes to you own?
Claire Cissell: 50-100, but who is counting, right?
Lewis Thomason: If you were a super-hero, what powers would you have?
Claire Cissell: Super speed so I could get more accomplished every day.
Ms. Cissell, a shareholder in the firm’s Memphis office, has experience in civil litigation matters. She focuses her practice on medical malpractice defense. Ms. Cissell has extensive experience trying medical malpractice lawsuits to verdict, as well as appellate experience at the state and federal levels. Ms. Cissell previously served as a judicial law clerk for the Honorable James M. Tharpe and the Honorable Robert A. Lanier.