The Construction Group held its annual seminar at the Fox Den Country Club in Knoxville on September 16. The seminar was well received with 54 guests in attendance, nearly doubling previous attendance marks. This year’s topic was “CONSTRUCTION LAW: The Project From Start To Finish.” Speakers included: Robyn Askew (Development), David Draper (Contracts), Chris McCarty (Employment), Paul Whitt (Performance), and Preston Hawkins (Payment). Brent Hubbs with VOLQUEST.COM was the firm’s guest lunch speaker with inside information on the Vols 2016 football season. Brent entertained and fielded questions from an audience compiled of architects, engineers, contractors, subcontractors, insurers, and lawyers. If Brent kept score, the LT lawyers asked the most questions.
The Construction Group’s Knoxville Seminar has become an annual mainstay for the East Tennessee Construction Community, and planning has already begun for next year’s seminar.