Lewis Thomason had a big night at the Nashville Bar Association’s Annual Meeting held on December 9. Kaya Porter was elected to the Nashville Bar Association Board of Directors. Kaya has worked tirelessly in her many roles with the Nashville Bar including her focus on diversity efforts. She has served as chair of the Bar’s Diversity Committee for three years. Christen Blackburn was honored with a 2020 NBA President’s Award for her hard work on the 100 Years of Women’s Suffrage program co-sponsored by the Nashville Bar Association and LAW this past summer. This program was a huge undertaking and required a lot of advanced planning. Christen did a lot of behind the scenes work, work for which NBA President Laura Baker rightfully recognized Christen. And finally, Jonathan Cole, husband of our president, Lisa Cole, was also honored with a 2020 NBA President’s Award for his behind the scenes help when 2020 was falling apart. He assisted with tornado relief and then the pandemic. Jonathan compiled, edited, or co- wrote all of the NBA Courthouse Newsletters and blurbs to keep us informed. Thank you, Jonathan.