A periodic Q & A session with a Lewis Thomason (LT) lawyer

LT: When did you decide to become a lawyer?
Marcy Magee: 1st grade, according to the framed essay my Mom still has hanging on a wall in my childhood home.

LT: What do you do in your spare time?
Marcy Magee:  Surely, you jest! I’m a working Mommy. Enough said.

LT: When I was in high school, my friends would describe me as ___.
Marcy Magee: I was voted Most Dependable.

LT: What was your first job and what did you learn from that experience?
Marcy Magee: Babysitting when I was in the 7th grade. That I shouldn’t have children for a long, long time!

LT: My biggest “pet peeve” is ___________.
Marcy Magee:  My husband would say when he doesn’t listen, but, it’s actually when someone doesn’t give 100%.

LT: What book is on your bedside table (or on your e-reader)?
Marcy Magee:  A devotional entitled, “God’s Promises for Your Every Need.”

LT: Where is the best place you have ever visited?
Marcy Magee: I ran with the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain before I grew up. These days, my Happy Places are Deer Valley, on our boat in Orange Beach and Neyland Stadium.

LT: If you could change careers, what would you choose?
Marcy Magee: Color Commentator for my beloved Memphis Grizzlies.

LT: What is the one thing you couldn’t live without?
Marcy Magee: Elvis Presley on my iTunes.


Magee-0428Marcy Magee, a shareholder in the Memphis office, focuses her practice primarily on general civil defense litigation matters, with an emphasis on medical malpractice and products liability litigation. Ms. Magee has handled numerous jury trials to verdict in Memphis and surrounding counties. She also has a vast amount of experience arguing cases before the Tennessee Supreme Court and the Tennessee Court of Appeals.

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