Sarah Sheppeard Leads 44th Annual Tennessee Law Institute Annual Review Seminar

Sarah SheppeardFor over four decades, the preeminent continuing legal education program in the state has been the Tennessee Law Institute Annual Review Seminar. Created by the late, great Don Paine, this seminar provides Tennessee lawyers with an annual two-day, 12-hour  CLE review of reported and unreported Court decisions, new legislation, and other legal developments in Tennessee during the past year.

Once again this year, the star of the Tennessee Law Institute is our own Sarah Sheppeard. Sarah is a past-president of the Knoxville Bar association, a Rule 31 mediator, Chancellor of the Episcopal Diocese of East Tennessee, and a Fellow of both the American Bar Foundation and the Tennessee Bar Foundation.

This year’s Tennessee Law Institute seminar begins on Thursday, September 17 at the Music City Center in Nashville.

On October 1-2, the seminar will be conducted at the convention center in Gatlinburg, followed by seminars on October 8-9 at the Knoxville Convention Center, November 5-6 at the Chattanooga Convention Center and December 8-9 with a return engagement at the Music City Center in Nashville.

We are very proud of Sarah, and through her, Lewis Thomason’s association with the outstanding Tennessee Law Institute.

Sarah Sheppeard is Special Counsel and a Supreme Court Rule 31 Mediator, in the firm’s Knoxville office. Sarah practices in the areas of domestic relations, estates, commercial law and general civil litigation. She has been a lecturer with the Tennessee Law Institute since 1988.


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