Lt was truly united in the Tennessee Ragnar Race, as the entire firm pitched in for its drive to support Soles 4 Souls.
Soles 4 Souls is a global not-for-profit institution based in Nashville. It is dedicated to fighting the devastating impact and perpetuation of poverty. The organization advances its anti-poverty mission by collecting new and used shoes and clothes from individuals, schools, faith-based institutions, civic organizations, and corporate patterns, and then distributing those shoes and clothes both via direct donations to people in need and by provisionally qualified micro-enterprise programs designed to create jobs in poor and disadvantaged communities.
Lt support Soles 4 Souls by collecting a total of 381 shoes – 152 from Memphis, 115 from Nashville, and 107 from Knoxville.
This should put aside any and all rumors that LT is a bunch of heels who are fit to be tied.