
Welcome to the Tennessee Whistleblower Law Blog.

I started this blog to try and provide basic information to those in Tennessee, or sometimes even those outside of Tennessee, who have an interest in whistleblower laws.  Though the blog and its articles will touch on legal issues and cases, I am not giving legal advice. Every person, every case, every situation … is different.  Therefore, if you or a loved one believe you might actually need specific legal advice regarding a whistleblower matter, please feel free to contact me by e-mail ([email protected]) or by phone (865-546-4646).

This blog is being made available by a lawyer for educational purposes only. This blog is not being published to provide any type of specific legal advice. By using and reading this blog, you must understand that there is no attorney client relationship of any kind is being created between you and the lawyer or his firm. This blog should not be used as a substitute for specifically tailored legal advice from a licensed attorney in your state of residence, or in the state your case/claim may arise.


This blog is being made available by a lawyer for educational purposes only. This blog is not being published to provide any type of specific legal advice. By using and reading this blog, you must understand that there is no attorney client relationship of any kind is being created between you and the lawyer or his firm. This blog should not be used as a substitute for specifically tailored legal advice from a licensed attorney in your state of residence, or in the state your case/claim may arise.